Community Development
Inclusion and arrangements for Person with Disabilities
Organizing community leaders, officials, children, and parents is an important part of FORD’s community development program. It supported community’s self-sponsored schemes throughout the District Bagh of Azad Jammu Kashmir. It has punctually participates in educational programmes, national and international events, religious events, local celebrations, community appraisals for development etc.
Most prominent interactions are the inclusion and arrangements for Person with Disabilities in the planning and development of infrastructure and public facilities.
Recreational Programmes
FORD organized recreational programmes in schools and colleges to involve students community to realize the need of sensitivity of physical losses which may be caused due to curricular or extracurricular activities. To avoid physical losses, practice preventive measures to avoid accidents, to make them realize the need to assist the person with physical or functional limitation.
Drama, stage public performances and role plays were organized in schools to make the students understand the inclusion of disabled children and teens in the society especially in schools and educational institutions.
Linking Communities for inclusive development
Local Support Organizations, Village Organizations and Community Organizations of NRSP, Community Based Rehabilitation Committees of MRDEA-ERRA and self help groups are mobilized to form versatile sources of Community Based Rehabilitation Programme. Monthly and quarterly formal and non-formal meetings are arranged with these local units and their main offices for inclusion of PWDs.
Advocacy and Awareness, Social Mobilization and Inclusion
- FORD launches its awareness raising campaigns under with multiple objectives of sensitizing community on issues of patients with limited mobility. It launched awareness programmes in various areas i.e. Bagh, Islamnagar, Arja, Sesar, Sahlian and Dhirkot. More than 1000 persons including teachers, health workers, public servants, students, households etc have been given awareness on physical impairments, their cure and preventive measures.
- FORD in collaboration with MRDEA has initialized its grassroots campaign through Community Rehab Workers, teachers, LHWs and religious leaders (door-to-door) on “Prevention from Pressure Sores & Effective Use of Wheel Chairs”. The awareness campaign is incorporated on documents with identification and registration of patients for referrals and medical treatment to the concerned agencies/organizations. So far, above 300 patients been directly treated by Multidisciplinary Rehab teams (Physiotherapist, Psychologists, P&O and Medical Specialists of MRDEA, HI, PIPOS, Subhe-e-Nau) or been referred to rehab centres and agencies for health cover and rehab services.
- Furthermore, efforts are being made for patients screening and further provision of free medicines to the spine effected persons (Subject to funding).
- An awareness raising seminar was arranged in collaboration with Action aid on “Acting to protect the rights of PWDs (SCIs)” with the participation of more than 50 persons including govt officers, representatives of INGOs, NGOs and business community.
- FORD also joined grassroots public programmes with Action aid on Kashmir Day
- Programs arranged at various schools on the Spinal Cord, Spinal Cord Injury, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, safe handling of patients, first aid, promoting independence, inside and outside supporting infrastructures, assistive devices, daily living activities.
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We need your donations to serve the people with disability.
“A single drop of water does not make an ocean. Yet without each drop no ocean would exist. The strength of a society is in its members, its unity, and its ability to join others together as a whole to carry a strong moral message.”